Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Can a Supplement Provide a Natural Testosterone Boost?

It’s a fact of life that men begin to produce less human growth hormone (HGH) and testosterone as they age. Levels of these energy boosting hormones drop substantially in men that are in the 40s and beyond. Without a testosterone boost, these men often feel sluggish, tired, weak, and disinterested in sex.

Other factors can drop testosterone and HGH levels in even younger men including chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, along with the usage of certain medications and just everyday stress.

For men who want to regain energy, muscle strength, and vitality, a natural formula to provide a testosterone boost can be just the answer. While there are prescription hormone replacement therapies that are available, there are risks associated with those including prostatic hypertrophy, liver toxicity, and tumor growth. Other risks are sleep apnea, gynecomastia, infertility, and skin diseases.

An alternative to hormone replacement therapies is a natural supplement that increases human growth hormone and testosterone. Testosterone boosters such as Nature’s Plus GHT Male are dietary supplements that help support healthy production of testosterone and HGH in men.

Results from taking natural testosterone boosters can include:
·         Improved energy and strength
·         Heightened endurance
·         Renewed interest in sex
·         Healthy cognitive function
·         Faster muscle development

The combination of testosterone and human growth hormone boosting nutrients are beneficial to men who are actively working out on a regular basis and for those who are less inclined to regular exercise. By providing a boost of both of these essential hormones, the results are often substantial.

The Benefits of HGH
First discovered in the 1920s, HGH has been widely researched. Yet, researchers are still discovering new uses for this important hormone produced in the anterior pituitary gland. What has been revealed is that HGH promotes and increases the production of new protein tissues such as muscle. It also produces more energy, improves sexual performance, builds stronger bones, and optimizes the quality and duration of the heart and kidneys.

Like testosterone, HGH production does slow down substantially as men age. However, there are ways to increase its production naturally. Strategies for bumping up HGH production include working out, regular rest, proper nutrition, and supplementation.

Combined, men find that they have increased ability to train and have more energy for their day-to-day life activities.  So, a supplement that provides both a testosterone boost and a jump in HGH is a great option for men starting to feel an age related drop in energy and performance.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Using Natural Test Boosters to Build Muscle

We have all heard about the dangers of steroids, and the stories of athletes who have suffered terrible side effects from taking them. Interestingly, testosterone is one of the most common steroids because of its ability to increase muscle and strength gains quickly. Used in excess, testosterone has some very serious side effects. However, using natural test boosters to generate the body’s ability to make more testosterone delivers the benefits of increased testosterone without the risks of having to take synthetic hormones.

Because of its positive effects, testosterone usage has become far more popular than it ever was, and is being used by both athletes and non-athletes who simply want to have a more toned appearance. But, the risk of side effects is also keeping many men on the sidelines who don’t want to risk side effects just to get a testosterone boost.

For men who have not been diagnosed with low testosterone and want to build muscle, natural test boosters are often the right choice. Typically containing a formula of zinc, tribulus and other testosterone boosting nutrients, they are widely available and have been proven to be effective.
There have been many studies pertaining to supplements and their ability to create a natural testosterone boost, and conclusive evidence has been found that they work.

Of course, it’s not as simple as just popping a supplement and seeing results. Natural test boosters must be used in conjunction with a fitness plan. Whether it’s cross training, weight training, or aerobic exercise, these supplements work better on men who are actively trying to increase lean muscle mass through exercise.

What are typical results from using this alternative to prescription hormone therapy? It’s not uncommon to see testosterone levels jump from the low 200s to the 600s ng/DI. Larger increases are sometimes seen in men who also incorporate other testosterone boosting strategies such as increasing sun exposure, taking cod liver oil, and timing sexual intercourse.

Whether you choose natural test boosters or prescription testosterone replacement, it’s good to know that testosterone is important for a man and his overall health. 

Benefits of Testosterone

Protein synthesis
Increased appetite
Bone growth
Production of red blood cells
Muscle cell development
Increase in competitive drive, motivation, and energy

A testosterone boost may or may not be the right choice for you. If increasing muscle mass is a goal, and you’re not getting the results you desire from exercising and diet, you may be able to benefit from natural test boosters. 

There is a variety of testosterone enhancing supplements on the market. So, it’s a good idea to evaluate a few before choosing the one for you. Nature’s Plus T Male is one of the most popular because of its unique blend of nutrients that have been proven to support testosterone production.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

What Is the Benefit of a Natural Testosterone Boost?

With an estimated four million men now suffering from below normal testosterone levels, it’s no wonder that many are seeking a natural testosterone boost. This increasingly common condition strikes men for a variety of reasons, yet most are still not getting the help they need. In fact, less than five percent of the millions of men with low T are taking either prescription testosterone replacement therapies or low T supplements.

Low T is often not diagnosed because the symptoms are often overlooked or mistaken as signs of aging. These symptoms include:
Small testicles
Decreased interest in sex
Erectile dysfunction
Weight gain
Loss of stamina during exercise
Reduced bone density

However, low T is being discussed more and more, and doctors are now regularly testing men who show some of the signs of hypogonadism. Some will be prescribed testosterone replacement therapy, while others can benefit substantially by taking a natural supplement for a testosterone boost.

Prescription therapies work by boosting the hormone levels with synthetic testosterone. Low T supplements work differently by coaxing the body to naturally increase testosterone levels. For men who have a history of cancer, the natural supplement options are often a safer way to boost testosterone as hormone replacement has been linked to increased tumor production.

There are also side effects to prescription treatment that are not always desirable such as breast enlargement, acne, and hair loss.

The first step for any man who is suspecting a loss in testosterone is to take a blood test to determine testosterone levels. This is the only way to truly know if there is a problem and also how it should be addressed.

Many men are diagnosed with a testosterone level that is hovering around the baseline level of normal. For them, a testosterone boost from a natural supplement combined with lifestyle changes can make a big improvement. Weight loss, increased exercise, a healthy diet, and plenty of sleep can naturally increase testosterone.

What Can Be Expected with Low T Supplements?
Often, a feeling of well-being is quickly noticed after starting low T supplements. This may include more energy, less sluggishness, and an increased interest in sex. When coupled with a healthier lifestyle, it’s not uncommon for men to regain a sense of energy and vitality that they haven’t experienced for years.
Of course, it’s always a good idea to first contact your physician before starting any nutritional formula including low T supplements. By getting tested, you can take the first step in finding out what you can do for a testosterone boost.

If a natural supplement is right for you, choose one that is formulated from natural nutrients such as Nature’s Plus T Male products. They help boost testosterone production naturally without the risky side effects that go hand-in-hand with other types of testosterone treatments.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Top Test Booster Formulas vs. Prescription Hormone Replacement

If you’ve ever wondered if you should try testosterone replacement therapy or one of the top test booster formulas, you’ll want to read on.

An increasing number of men are seeking out their doctor’s advice because of symptoms like lack of interest in sex, sluggishness, muscle loss, and fatigue.  Many are finding out that their symptoms are due to hypogonadism – often referred to as low testosterone or low T.

Once a diagnosis of low T has been made, there are options in terms of treatment. Some doctors will immediately prescribe hormone replacement therapy. And for some men, this option is the best choice – particularly if low T is the result of a condition such as diabetes or if there was an injury to the testicles causing a dramatic loss of testosterone production.

However, for many men, a top test booster can be a better option. For example, male athletes who want to boost testosterone to increase stamina and performance often find the best natural test boosters are more effective because they stimulate natural testosterone production instead of replacing it with synthetic hormones.

Benefits of Testosterone for Athletes
Stimulation of muscle development leading to increased strength
Increased competitiveness, drive, and aggressiveness
Increased appetite
Increased production of bone growth, bone marrow and protein synthesis from amino acids

Top test booster supplements typically contain zinc which has been shown to raise testosterone levels. In a Turkish research study, athletes were given a daily 3mg dose of zinc per kg of bodyweight. After four weeks of receiving the zinc, they had on average 40 percent more free testosterone in their blood.

Tribulus terrestris is another common nutrient found in the top test booster products. This vine plant that grows in tropical climates can help men boost their testosterone levels by stimulating the pituitary gland. Tribulus terrestris contains steroidal saponins, alkaloids, and flavanoids along with protodioscins to help support normal hormone production.  One study showed athletes increasing their testosterone levels by 40% after taking it three times a day for 20 days.

Of course, besides incorporating a top test booster into your daily regime, there are many lifestyle changes that can also help jumpstart testosterone production. Obesity and inactivity can both drop testosterone levels dramatically.

So, a healthy diet combined with regular exercise is always a good place to start. Getting regular sleep can also be very beneficial. And, scheduling regular checkups to screen for other testosterone lowering issues such as diabetes and heart disease is a must, too.

With the right nutritional and lifestyle choices along with the addition of a top test booster, you may just be able to ramp up testosterone without having to head to the local pharmacy to get a prescription filled.